1/ パウロ 粟本昭夫 S.J. 神父様
イグナチオ教会 にて
Fr. Paul Awamoto S.J.
St. Ignatius Church
March 19、2011 at 4.00 p.m.
Next public mass is not yet scheduled.
2 橋口佐五衛門神父様 O.F.M.Conv.
Fr. Sagoemon Hashiguchi O.F.M.Conv.
Akabane Church
August 15, 2010
Next public mass is not yet scheduled.
3/ アロイジオ 池田敏雄 S.S.P.神父様
Fr. Aloysius Toshio Ikeda S.S.P.
4月24日 6月26日 8月13日 9月25日(日)午後1:30から。
St. Paul Shudokai 160-0011 Wakaba, Shinjukuku, Tokyo
At 1:30 p.m. 24 April, 2011, June 26 and on 13 August, on September 25 at 1:30 p.m. It will start with Rosary, benediction, other prayers. The mass itself will be at about 3:00.
Every third Sunday from 2:30p.m.
Every forth Sunday from 1:30p.m.
Every 13th day (Rosa Mystica) from 1:30p.m.
4/ アウグスチヌス 鈴木宣明神父様 S.J.
Fr. Augustinus Nobuaki Suzuki S.J.
聖イグナチオ教会のザビエル小聖堂 (1階)
On June 25, 2011 at 1:30
At St. Xavier Chapel of St. Ignatius Church
Next public mass is not yet scheduled.
5/ Fr. John A. Nariai (private chapel)
Mass: Every day at 7:00 a.m. and on Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
ミサの予定 週日 7時a.m. - 主日 10時a.m.
Sekiya Station Heights 407, 6-6 Senjuakebonocho, Adachi-ku, Tokyo 120-0023
120-0023 東京都足立区千住曙町6-6 関屋ステーション・ハイツ407
Ushida Station, Tobu Line 東武線牛田
Go to Sekiya Station across the street, or Sekiya Station, Keisei Line. Turn left as you get out the ticket gate and again turn left. You will see my apartment to your left. It's only one minute-walk.
スンモール厶・ポンティフィクムの訳です。 http://hvri.gouketu.com/summorum_pontificum.htm
I am a retired priest of Kagoshima Diocese, Japan, and have been offering the traditional Mass since 2001. Gregorian chant is sung during Sunday mass.
Tel. 81-3-3882-7723
E-Mail hvri_nariai@yahoo.co.jp
Web-site: http://www.geocities.jp/fr_nariai/
- Please see at SSPXASIA website:http://www.sspxasia.com/Countries/Japan/index.htm
- Japanese Martyrs’ Mass Center TOKYO
- 113-0021東京都 文京区 本駒込1-12-5
- 曙町児童会館1F
- Japanese Martyrs' Mass Center
- Akebonocho Jido-kaikan 1F - 1-12-5, Honkomagome, Bunkyo-ku, TOKYO 113-0021
- 2nd Sunday : High Mass at 10:30 am
- Monday following the 2nd Sunday: Low Mass at 7:00 am
- http://fsspxjapan.fc2web.com/ordo/ordo2013.html
- However, there may be some changes. Please check at Latest information .
- Tel. : (81) 3 3776 1233 (Mr A. Nunobe) ou (63) 2 725 5926 (Philippines)
- Chapel of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
- 新大阪丸ビル本館/新館
- JR新大阪駅の東口より徒歩5分
- Immaculate Heart of Mary Mass Center
- "Honkan" of Shin-Osaka-Maru Bldg. Five minutes' walk from JR Shin-Osaka Station, East Exit
- Mass Friday (5:30 pm) & Saturday (11:00 am) before the 2nd Sunday
- tél. : (81) 3 3776 1233 (Mr A. Nunobe) ou (63) 2 725 5926 (Philippines)