H  (5695 jours)

Guide rules of formatting

The rules of formatting with Wakka differ slightly from other Wikis. (see for example the rules of formatting of WikiWikiWeb , first known Wiki.)
Any text placed between two double quotation marks - "- is presented such as.

You can carry out your clean test in BacASable : it is a place made for that.

Basic rules:
  • **Text in bold !** ---> Text in bold !
  • //Text in italic.// ---> Text in italic.
  • __Underlined__ text! ---> Underlined text!
  • @@Barred@@ text! ---> Barred text!
  • ##text with fixed spacing## ---> text with fixed spacing
  • %%code%%
  • %%(php) PHP code%%
  • %%(delphi) code delphi/pascal%%

To prevent the formatting of the text:
  • To prevent that Wikini does not interpret the beacons of formatting of text which it reconnait, to frame the text by a pair of double quote marks. For __example__, this **text** @@contains@@ %%beacons%% recognized by Wikini which are //not// interpreted because it is framed by a double pair of **quotation** marks as __you__ can realize some:)
  • Two other uses:
    • to directly write HTML in the wikini - for example for the tables...; -) - considering what is returned is interpreted all the same by the engine of returned of Mozilla
    • to post logs/Shell scripts by adding the tag <pre> and </pre> which will be interpreted to post the text just as it is by the navigator (provided that there is not a double quotation mark inside). That makes it possible to have the contents in extenso rather than in a box of code which is of fixed size (contrary to the functionality of phpBB2 with the tags [code] and [/code])

Forced links:

  • ====== Enormous heading ======

    Enormous heading

  • ===== Very large heading =====

    Very large heading

  • ==== Large heading ====

    Large heading

  • === Heading normal ===

    Heading normal

  • == Small heading ==
    Small heading

Horizontal separator: it is enough to type at least 4 "-", beyond 4 indents it is the same effect
Example: ----

Return of line forced:
  • ---

The indentation of texts is done with the key "TAB". You can also create lists with chips or numbered:
  • - list with chip
  • 1) numbered list (Arab numerals)
  • A) numbered list (capital alphabetical)
  • a) numbered list (tiny alphabetical)
  • i) numbered list (Roman numerals)

You also can indenter of the text by using space characters instead of the key "TAB", examples Ci above remain valid but attention not to be mixed "TAB" and spaces in the same enumeration.

  • list with chip

  1. numbered list (Arab numerals)
  2. example 2
  3. example 3

  1. numbered list (capital alphabetical)

  1. numbered list (tiny alphabetical)

  1. numbered list (Roman numerals)

Note: because of a bug in its engine of returned , lists, using the key, do not function (still) under Mozilla.